I was born in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, then moved to the small town of Purdy, Missouri when I was about four years old. This town’s claim to fame was a Supreme Court fight over whether or not the school could forbid dancing. The anti-dancers won.
I was a bookworm growing up. Solid A’s, was reading Crichton and Clancy by the fourth grade. Thankfully I had a very supportive family, ones who nurtured and cherished my intellect. And by that, I mean they once put me in pocket protectors and gigantic fake glasses as a nerdy Halloween costume.
In High School, I had the best Creative Writing class ever. The teacher booked us the computer lab every day of the week, then told us “Write something.” Didn’t matter what. I went crazy and wrote a 60k word novel. Whole time, I had a ball, convinced I was the most super-amazing writer ever.
In college, I actually met real writers, ones who could write circles around me while half-asleep. I thank God for that much-needed blast of humility. I thank God even more for the hottie I ended up meeting and marrying. Why she puts up with me, I’ll never know. Wait. Yes, I do know. It’s because we get to raise our daughters Morgan, Katherine, and Alyssa.
So that’s basically my life, uber-shortened. My writing tends to be dark, but really, I’m a boring guy with a decent sense of humor and a desire to tell some over the top stories.